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Project HolyMate
Name HolyMate
Start 2020/12/11
End 2024/04/28
Contact Okarin / Iron
Information Club Mate imitation made at Hackalot
Status Ongoing production

HolyMate in een flesje

What is HolyMate?

HolyMate is a DIY version of Club-Mate (often called HackMate) made at Hackalot. It is currently sold at the bar. More details can be found at https://holymate.nl/

How its made

The drink is mate using a small list of ingredients:

- Playadito yerba mate (despalo is fine too)
- Citric acid
- Sugar
- E150A
- CO2
- Water

The ratio between the ingredients are as follows for 1 litre of HolyMate

- 10 grams of Playadito yerba mate
- 48 grams of white sugar
- 1.08 grams of citric acid
- 0.10 grams of E150A
- 500 ml of water (that has been boiled) at 70°C
- 500 ml of water (that has been boiled) at 0°C

These ingredients scale linearly for larger volumes. At Hackalot; we brew batches of 36 litre's at a time. Prepare as follows:

- Place the tea in a large tea bag, and let it steep in te hot water for 7 minutes while constantly agitating the mixture. 
  The tea should become fairly dark. 
  When the tea is done steeping, it should be removed from the mixture.
- Slowly dissolve the sugar
- Slowly dissolve the citric acid
- Slowly dissolve the E150A
- Filter the tea until all 'dust' is removed
  A coffee filter will work but needs to be replaced frequently. 
- Add the cold water to the tea
  and optionally place it in a cold environment such as a refrigerator.
- Flush out the air using carbon dioxide, and leave the container pressurised with carbon dioxide at 2 bar overnight.

What happend to the previous contents of this page?

This page used to contain a long, incomplete list of experiments that we had conducted. However; all results were inferior to the current recipe. That is why these experiments were removed from this page. If you wish to view the previous contents, please use Wikimedia's history function.

Other recipe's

  1. Hack Pittsburgh Open Mate
  2. Interlock Rochester's Open Mate Beta 2
  3. Make's Dave-Mate
  4. Overbryd's imatate
  5. Jnin's Club Mate Copycat
  6. Tilde's Mate (post long overdue)
  7. HackMate