
Uit Hackalot - Hackerspace Eindhoven
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Hackalot privacy policy

This document outlines the privacy policy of Hackalot. This policy does not only apply to the Hackalot website, but also to other parts of Hackalot, such as the internal participants registry.

This document describes the following:

1. The type of data that is collected
2. Why said data is collected
3. How said data is being stored
4. What happens with said data
5. Who has access to said data

If you have any questions about this document, feel free to reach out to Hackalot as we are happy to help. (email)

Terms and definitions

In this section some terms and definitions that are used in this document are clarified. Please take note that this list is not conclusive, and that other terms may be used in this document that are not included in this list. Entries may be added to this section without any notification or notice.


Hackalot refers to "Stichting Hackalot" which is located in Eindhoven, registered in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce with ID 70026483. This also includes any assets that Hackalot may possess such as the website, email, the physical location and the governing body (also referred to as "het bestuur" / the board).


Keybase ( is an online service that specialises in end-to-end encrypted chat and cloud storage.

Hackalot participants

Persons who are registered as Hackalot participants. More info


RevBank is a simple accounting and funds transfer system that helps visitors exchange money. More info


Doorduino is a physical access system which allows Hackalot participants to open the main entrance at Hackalot. More info

What data is being collected?

Hackalot collectes certain personal info, across a number of services. These services are:

- The Hackalot website
- The Hackalot participants registry
- The Hackalot email
- The Hackalot bar system (RevBank)
- The Hackalot door system (Doorduino)

The Hackalot website

The only parts of Hackalot's websites that collects personal information is the Wikimedia powered homepage. This website collects user-information when the user:

- Registers an account
- Makes a contribution

All (required) information is required for the functionality of the website. The following information is collected:

1. Your username
2. Your password (This is not stored directly)
3. Your email
4. Your real name (optional)
5. Timestamps of contributions (optional)
6. The content of contributions (optional)
7. Any uploaded files, such as images (optional)

The required information (username, password, email) is collected for the functionality of the website. It is worth noting that the collection is only required if the user intents on creating contributions to the website. If above information is not acceptable for the user, but an (anonymous) contribution is still desired, feel free to contact Hackalot directly (via email, IRC, or in person).

All data of the Hackalot website is stored on a web-server managed by Hackalot. The physical hardware is not managed by Hackalot, but by Hetzner.

The only automated processing of personal-data on the Hackalot website is through updates of the wikimedia web-server software. There is no manual processig of any personal-data.

The Hackalot participants registry

To become a participant at Hackalot, you must be added to the participants registry. This registy is purely internal, and is only available to the Hackalot governing body.

The following data is collected:

1. Your username
2. Your phone number
3. Your real name
4. Your birthdate
5. Your home address
6. Your e-mail address

Your username is required for identifying you at the space (RevBank, samla labels, etc.). Your uername is also the main handle that Hackalot uses to refer to you. Hackalot collects your phone number for cases were urgent-contact is required. An example of this is to warn someone who just left the space that they forgot some of their belongings.

Other information (Real name, birthdate, address) is collected for legal reasons, or other conflicts. Because many processes at the space are unsupervised and trust based, Hackalot wants to be able to identify its participants to be able resolve potential conflicts (ex. damage, theft or abuse).

There is no automated processing of any data in the Hackalot participants registry. All manual processing is done to facilitate the use-cases stated above or to mutate the data.

All above information is stored using Keybase, which is an end-to-end encrypted storage. Only the governing body of Hackalot has access to this information.

The Hackalot email

If you contact Hackalot through email, we collect your email address. Your email is only stored, and used to send replies to your message.

Your email is stored on the email server of Hackalot, which is managed by TransIP.

Any automated processing of your emails is purely executed in order to prevent spam. Manual processing is purely done in order to reply to your email.

Only the governing body of Hackalot has access to this information.

The Hackalot bar system (RevBank)

The hackalot bar system collects a bunch of information about its users, this information can be summarised as follows:

1. Your username
2. Your balance history
3. Your transactions in RevBank

All data in RevBank is stored to allow for the functionality that RevBank provides. The data is stored in a Git registry, on a server that is fully owned and managed by Hackalot. The data is available through RevBank, and is available to anyone at Hackalot.

All processing of the data in RevBank is done to ensure the functionality in RevBank, to facilitate our financial accounting processes, or to update the RevBank software.

The Hackalot door system (Doorduino)

The door system at hackalot also collects information from it's users. The following data is collected:

1. Your iButton details
2. Your usage history

The door system logs your usage. This is done for security and safety reason. Your usage history is stored in the space itself, and is not processed in any automated way. Hackalot may manually review your usage history when we have a specific reason to do so. Only the governing body of Hackalot has access to this information.

All usage is also announced in the hackalot IRC channel. While this slightly conflicts with the user's privacy, it is a great way to share activities of the space with other visitors. which will result in a more active and fun space. Participants who strongly prefer that their usage is not announced may opt-out of this by contacting the governing body of Hackalot.